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EVE Audio SC203 Bag
89,00 €*
Rugged transport soft-case for SC203 desktop speakers
This carrying soft-case is large enough to accommodate a pair of SC203 speakers, including the FlexiPads, power supply and connecting cables. Also, a large extra compartment will even allow you to carry your 13" laptop or tablet. These soft-cases are sturdy, very comfortable and come with a convenient shoulder strap for easy carrying. Available in black, with an embroidered EVE Audio logo. Dimensions (WxDxH) : 12.4" x 7.5" x 11.8" (31.5 x 19 x 30 cm)
Hear Technologies Tote Back
109,00 €*
Soft-side nylon carrying case great for carrying (8) Hear Back Mixers, (1) Hub and (4) Mixers, or whatever you can fit in it! Features adjustable dividers.