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Mellotron Digitales Mellotron M4000D
2.995,00 €*
Mellotron Digitales Mellotron M4000DThe new digital Mellotron was very well received at NAMM 2010 and Frankfurt 2010. It and has been developed by us here at Mellotron and is solely our own product and has nothing to do with any other manufacturer. Some initial specifications:It is a 24 bit digital uncompressed audio playback unit with ca 100 Mellotron and Chamberlin sounds. Extra cartridges will be available. It has a custom built full Mellotron style wood keyboard with depth sensitivity. The front panel user inteface has 2 TFT-displays of high quality and are capable of showing pictures of the actual instruments. The dimensions of the cabinet are 34"x19.5"5.25" (86x50x13.5cm) (WxDxH). Here are some pictures of the digital Mellotron with it's user interface and a side and back view of the cabinet.We will be at Frankfurt Musikmesse 2011 in the EMC booth (Moog distributor for Germany) in hall 5.1 booth C47.
Mellotron Digitales Mellotron M4000D MINI
2.099,00 €*
The M4000D MINI Mellotron was developed to meet the needs of keyboardists who want an even smaller and lighter Digital Mellotron. The MINI is also designed to fit perfectly on top of the regular M4000D to make a great looking dual manual Mellotron.
Same features, sounds and front panel as the M4000D. Only differences compared to the M4000D:
High-quality semi-weighted Fatar piano style keyboard with velocity sensitivity. No aftertouch.
Lightweight sheet metal cabinet, fits perfectly on the M4000D, total weight only 21 pounds (9.5 kg).
Same output signals as the M4000D, but only unbalanced 1/4" connectors.
The weight is 9.5 kg instead of 17.5 kg for the regular M4000D.
Dimensions: 807x329x76 mm
Mellotron M4000D Rack
1.789,00 €*
Die 19"-Rack-Version des Mellotron M4000D bietet sämtliche Features der Keyboard-Variante. Klangerzeugung und technische Ausstattung sind identisch. Auch hier lassen sich ausnamslos alle Funktionen direkt auf dem Bedienfeld erreichen. Zusätzlich verfügt das Mellotron M4000D Rack über einen Regler für die Kopfhörer-Lautstärke auf dem Front-Panel.Wird ein entsprechend ausgestattetes MIDI-Keyboard verwendet, lässt sich auch beim Mellotron M4000D polyphoner Aftertouch nutzen.Abmessungen: 19"-Standard-Rack-Format, 2 HE Einbauhöhe