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Elektron Model: Samples
299,00 €*
Packed with great sounds
The sound engine uses high-quality digital samples. There are 300 preset sounds supplied by Splice, ranging from the familiar kicks, snares, and hi-hats to exotic, never-before-heard ones. With a few tweaks, you can easily personalize any sample until it sounds just the way you want it. Transfer your own samples into it, or use any of the expertly crafted custom sound packs.
Dedicated knobs
As an Elektron first, this machine offers a complete set of tactile controls, with one function per knob. They’re all right there on the front panel; just grab a knob and twist it. Unleash your music spontaneously using the six tough, velocity-sensitive pads. Record your every move live, or punch in your creation one step at a time using the superb Elektron sequencer.
Ready to go
At under one kilogram, you’re getting the benefits of a light and convenient machine that will surprise you with its snarling sonic power.
Key Features
Control All lets you twist your sounds to oblivion. Then use Reload to take you back to where you started
Use Parameter Locks to automate parameters. Each step can have a totally different sound
With sample locking you can really flex that sequencer muscle. Assign different samples to individual steps of a pattern, allowing you even more creative space
Load six samples at once – just like a kit. Great when you have made a Pattern with Parameter Locks, LFOs etc… Load six new samples to instantly experiment and come up with unique and unexpected results
Write basslines and melodies using Chromatic Mode
New Chance parameter. Chance determines the possibility whether the sequencer steps on a track are triggered or not. Combining Chance with the Control All functionality can lead to many interesting results and happy accidents
Record sequences with or without quantization. Steps can be micro-timed with individual Swing control per track
Individual Step Length per track
Individual Tempo Multiplier per track
Class compliant USB audio 2.0
Novation Circuit Tracks
315,00 €*
Circuit Rhythm ist ein leistungsstarker und vielseitiger eigenständiger Sampler und Drumcomputer für den modernen Beatmaker. Nehme direkt auf das Gerät auf, dann schneide, forme, reverse, loope, resample und spiele chromatisch – alles in einem Gerät.
Mehr als nur eine einfache Groovebox bietet Circuit Rhythm einen nahtlosen Workflow vom Sample bis zum fertigen Beat dank seines leistungsstarken, hands-on Sequencers. Außerdem ist es mit innovativen Effekten ausgestattet, die deine Live-Performances aufwerten, von Lo-Fi-Tape über Stutter, Beat-Repeat und vieles mehr.
Mit bis zu vier Stunden Akkulaufzeit ist Circuit Rhythm bereit, deine nächste Idee überall und jederzeit festzuhalten, wenn die Inspiration kommt.