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BAE Audio 8CM 8 Channel mixer w/power supply 48v
4.169,00 €*
CM Features
The 8CM is an 8 channel mixer that can house the 10 series modules such as the 1073, 1084, 1023 and 1004.
Both mic and line inputs of each module can be mixed to either left or right channels with individual pan controls and output level. A stereo output is also provided for attenuating all channels.
Bussing amplifiers are the same Class A amplifiers used in our 1272's to retain that signature sound.
The 8CM can also be used as a 10 series rack with 8 direct outs.
Chandler Limited PSU-1
549,00 €*
Chandler Limited PSU 1 NetzteilChandler PSU-1 power supply unit designed to run any Chandler Unit, supplies +24, -24, and +48 volts. Chandler PSU 1 will run 2 chandler units, except the mini rack mixers.
Shadow Hills Industries PSU
1.690,00 €*
PSU for Equinox, Quad Gama, Mastering Compressor, or Optograph.
SPL Reducer
419,00 €*
The reducer is connected between the amplifier (head) and the loudspeaker. Here it converts the electrical energy of the amplifier into heat and transmits a reduced power to the loudspeaker. The art here is that the power reduction does not affect the sound, so play quietly with the original sound.
The desired reduction is first switchable, in steps of 3 dB and then 5 dB.
In the last switch position “Variable”, a load potentiometer is used to continuously reduce the level reduction from -7 dB to almost complete fade-out.
The reducer can be connected to amplifiers (heads) with all common impedances.
Available are 4 Ω, 8 Ω or 16 Ω.